Tue, 4 Apr

2 pm

Book Workshop

East Asian stick binding/block stitching

120 min

Traditional East Asian binding techniques captivate with its decorative stitching and its numerous patterns. In this 2-hour workshop, Anna Frey explains the most important basic terms and techniques of handbook binding. Participants will then learn how to bind their very own East Asian booklet and can try out various stitch patterns. High-quality papers and colourful cotton yarns are available for the covers. At the end of the workshop, each participant can take home the booklets they have bound themselves.

This event takes place as a complementary programme to the exhibition 책거리 Chaekgeori Our shelves Our selves. Chaekgeori (Korean: 책거리, translated “books and things”) refers to an arrangement of books, shelves, and various objects and precious items in Korean genre painting. The early emperors of the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911) were known for their bookshelves and their illustrations, which were filled with the classics and various precious objects. At the end of the eighteenth century, this idea also reached the Korean royal court and the learned upper class of the Joseon Dynasty (1392–1897), in which – influenced by Confucianism – great attention was paid to the classical works. At the end of the nineteenth century, the common people also took a liking to this theme and Chaekgeori became part of popular painting.

Die Veranstaltung wurde ermöglicht und unterstützt durch die Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation, Korea.
The project has been supported by the Overseas Korean Cultural Heritage Foundation, Korea. 

본 프로젝트는 국외소재문화재재단의 지원을 받아 진행되었습니다.

The workshop is aimed at adults. Children from the age of 8 can book the workshop with their parents. In this case, please book one ticket for the child and one for the adult.

Duration: 120 min.
Meeting Point: Hall of Columns

[Translate to English:]
[Translate to English:] Japanisches Heft, © KHM-Museumsverband, Weltmuseum Wien
120 min
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