Andersrum [vice versa]

An artistic intervention by Veronika Szücs

Veronika Szücs worked as a Fellow at the Weltmuseum Wien between December 2019 and November 2020 as part of her kültüřgemma! scholarship and prepared the alternative museum guide “Andersrum” – a graphic novel with protagonists from the display collection.



The graphic novel with a total of forty-eight pages portrays an imaginary walk through thirteen exhibition halls of the museum. In each hall, there is an exhibit or a group of objects that carries the readers or visitors off into different worlds for the duration of a three- to five-page long episode. The stories are not based on the official object descriptions; through their fictional character, they rather open up an alternative dimension. Despite the literary access, each new narrative is preceded by an intensive research activity in cooperation with the curators of the various collection areas. Besides the specialist consultation, research of the recommended literature and repository visits, the personal discussions with the curators, thanks to their different epistemic and personal accesses, made an inestimable contribution to complexes of topics emerging around every object that extended into the inconclusive, subjective terrain beyond the state of research.

Each comic episode is a stand-alone story that picks up a motive or a question of the contemporary cultural anthropology: topics such as collection practice, restitution, tourism as well as private art experience, kitsch and nostalgia.

The project was funded by the kültüřgemma! initiative supported by the city of Vienna. The printing costs of one edition of four thousand copies were borne by the Weltmuseum Wien; moreover, the author was provided her own studio in the premises of the Weltmuseum Wien.

December 2019 to November 2020


Colouring pictures and comic workshops

Colouring pictures and comic workshops

During the fellowship, there were three more assignments in cooperation with the cultural mediation, independent from the original project plan.

On 3rd and 4th September 2020, Veronika Szücs conducted a six-hour comic workshop at the Weltmuseum Wien, in which the participants tried writing and story-boarding through playful writing and drawing tasks.

The author has also designed colouring pictures for the permanent exhibition and other illustrations to be used during the special exhibition Aztecs together with employees of the cultural mediation.

About the author

About the author

Veronika Szücs studied Art History and South Asia in Budapest, Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Comic and Illustration at the Accademia di belle arti di Bologna. Her favourite artistic formats are graphic novel and artist book; her works focus on the personal experience composed like a travel book or journal.

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