Tue, 30 Apr
2 pmfully booked
Nelson Mandela and his legacy
Discussion – Book Presentation – Keynote
To mark the thirtieth anniversary of the overcoming of apartheid through the first free elections in April 1994, we are analysing the political, social and cultural changes in South Africa. Has ethnic discrimination been abolished and have basic rights and freedoms been realised? Has a reduction in economic inequality been achieved? How did this development affect the arts? Activists present a new book on the history of the anti-apartheid movement in Austria, and human rights expert Walter Suntinger draws lessons from the transformation of South Africa.
2 pm
Welcoming address
Jonathan Fine, Director of the Weltmuseum Wien
Birgit Reiter, Member of the Board SADOCC
Short film
Encounter Southern Africa by Andy Mkosi (photographer, Cape Town)
14.15 hrs
Panel and audience discussion
South Africa 1994-2024: What has changed?What has not changed? with Nkosinathi Dlamini (University of Vienna), Larissa Houston (University of Graz), Walter Sauer (University of Vienna), Veronika Wittmann (University of Linz) in English
Moderation: Edith Mychalewicz (SADOCC)
4 p.m.
In-depth discussion I: Imaginary Futures - Dialogues with South African artists, Marcus Neustetter (Johannesburg - Vienna)
In-depth discussion II: South Africa - Lessons for species conservation, Werner Zips (University of Vienna)
Moderation: Edith Mychalewicz (SADOCC)
Book presentation
Free Nelson Mandela.History of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Austria with Bernhard Bouzek (editor, SADOCC), Anna Hable-Mayer (former activist), Johannes Dafinger (University of Salzburg), Inge Jäger (former member of the Austrian Parliament and development policy spokesperson of the SPÖ)
7 pm
Welcoming address
Jonathan Fine, Director of the Weltmuseum Wien
Rapulane Sydney Molekane, South African Ambassador to Austria
Birgit Reiter, Member of the Board SADOCC
Key Note
Human rights lessons from the transformation of South Africa
Walter Suntinger (Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights, University of Applied Arts Vienna)
8 to 9 p.m.
Duration: 7 hrs.
Participation: free (a valid museum ticket is required to visit the exhibitions)
Registration online (limited number of participants)
Meeting point: WMW Forum